Quran For Busy People is the first course I ever created for my coaching clients… and it’s groundbreaking in a few ways. 

The basic premise is this: 

The Quran is the Ultimate Personal Development Manual. 

It’s literally a spiritually transformative message from your Creator directly to you and when read insightfully it has the power to uplift you with every reading.

The problem is, most of us don’t know how to access that transformative power.

Enter: Quran For Busy People.

To access the power of the Quran, we first need to invest ourselves into it. It will literally give you back many thousands of times more than whatever time and energy you invest into it… but the investment first has to be made by us.

Here’s how your Quran journey looks : 

PHASE 1: Develop the Daily Quran Habit. 

You can make it part of your morning routine, do it during your lunch break immediately after zuhr, or before you go to bed. What’s more important than the time you select, is that it happens every day for at least 11 minutes. Over time, this will become your favourite part of the day, and you’ll naturally increase to 25 minutes per day.

PHASE 2: Be Strategic.

The next question is: what do I do during that 11-25 minutes per day…? 

Quran For Busy People walks you through a 10-Step Strategic personal Quran Study plan, in the most logical order, along with details on which forms of study require expert help… and where to find those experts for free or very inexpensively. (Some expertise – tajweed for example – is included in the course itself. For other areas – like learning the script – we recommend free online resources). 

The trouble with trying to study the Quran is that each of the 10 methods of Quran study (eg. learning the script, tajweed (accurate recitation), tafsir (exegesis), the Arabic language, etc…), could take you literally years to study… and you still might only have scratched the surface.

That’s why in Quran For Busy People, we approach it differently – we go for the minimum viable level of knowledge – the point at which you’ve become competent ‘enough’ at this skill to move onto the next method of study.

If you were to begin today, with just a few minutes a day, one year from now, you can recite the Quran beautifully & accurately in Arabic, understand it directly in Arabic and be ready to memorize the Quran and do a detailed study of tafsir… even if you’re just starting out and have never read it in English and it just looks like squiggles and dots to you!

However, what most people do is – if they ever develop the daily Quran habit at all – is repetitively do the same mode of study (like just reciting the Arabic without understanding it), and never actually get to achieving any of their other Quran goals.

PHASE 3: The Quran Transformation

This is where we go beyond studying the text and start to understand ourselves better and improve our relationship with Allah (SWT). I do this using a very unique methodology, based on deepening our understanding of how the mind works.

This method is the basis of the #1 bestselling book, “Inside the Soul of Islam” and thousands of people say it’s been absolutely life-changing for them. The best part is, it doesn’t require you to be a Quran ‘expert’ or anything like that – it just requires you to go through a handful of easy online classes with me.

This transformation teaching acts as a catalyst on your own private Quran study so that every time you sit down to read Allah’s Book, your life improves, by His Will.

Quran For Busy People covers all 3 phases in a lot of depth and is the kind, of course, you’ll come back to many times in your life as your relationship with the Quran grows over time.

The whole course, including classes on all 3 phases described above, is available now as part of “The Ocean”:
