One of the easiest ways to ensure you never stick to your Quran habit, is to depend too much on your own willpower. 

In fact, it’s pretty much inevitable that you’ll fail if you do this. 

An easier and way more effective way to stick to your Quran habit, is to make sure you’ve followed the simple steps to making your habit an ‘Atomic Habit’.

There are 4 Laws to making your habit an Atomic Habit, one of which is to make your habit Easy. In this short and super beneficial video, I explain my best and most effective methods to make your habit easy. 

Easy to implement, easy to take action towards, and most importantly – easy to stick to. 

No willpower required.

Here’s what you’ll discover when you watch the video:

  • The first and easiest habit to implement that removes all the barriers to sticking to your Quran habit, and which makes your Quran ritual super-easy to implement on a daily basis.
  • 3 simple steps you can take to ‘future-proof’ your Quran habit, making it super easy for your future-self to take consistent, daily action. 
  • The Two-Minute Rule: the short, but highly effective rule to stick to that results in consistent, long term progress towards your Quran habit – and continuous rewards, insha’Allah. 
  • The back-up plan: The Quran habit ‘safety-net’ that means you never have to miss your daily Quran ritual, no matter how hectic or busy your life gets. 
  • And much, much more…

Here’s where you can watch the video: