Because access to The Ocean is closing for new students at the end of this month, each day I’m sending a new post about a different program in The Ocean. 

And today we’re focusing on the “Daily Quran Habit”.  

The daily Quran habit is the single most important habit any believing Muslim will ever develop. It’s on a par with developing the prayer habit.   

And of course these two habits are interlinked with each other because we recite the Quran in prayer and praying makes us want to connect with Allah (swt) and understand the Quran on a deeper level.   

Your future self will be so grateful and will thank you so much if you decide to establish the daily Quran habit today, not because of where you’ll be in a few days time, but because of where it will lead you in a few years time.   

The secret to the Daily Quran habit – as with most habits – is to start super small and gradually build up over time and to link the Quran habit with another habit that you already have in place, like brushing your teeth or one of the 5 daily prayers (if you already pray very consistently).   

The idea is when the Quran habit is in place and everyday you’re studying it for anywhere from 3 to 11 to 25 minutes  (of course you’ll want to start small and slowly build up to 25 minutes over time), then it becomes very easy to then be strategic about how you study it.  

If you’ve gotten yourself to the point where everyday you’re sitting down to study the Quran, it’s a lot easier to switch from one method of Quran study to another over time. (If you want exact details on exactly which method of Quran study you should be using right now, check out the Quran For Busy People Program or yesterday’s email.)  

A few years from now by developing the daily Quran habit today, you will almost certainly be someone who has memorized the Quran, deeply understands it, is deeply devoted to it, and insha’Allah, lives by it. You’ll be, by the will of God, among what the Prophet, peace and blessings upon him, called, ‘the People of the Quran’. (And guess what… they totally go to Heaven!)  

But the great thing is you don’t need to wait several years before you get the results.   

You will very quickly start to notice within just a few days that the time you take for yourself to study the Quran actually becomes the highlight of your day and your week.   

If you want the most comprehensive program in the world on how to develop the Daily Quran Habit, no matter how busy you are, look no further than “The Ocean”. It has a full 5-module training program dedicated to developing the Daily Quran Habit in a way that locks it in place for the rest of your life.   

Access to The Ocean for new students ends on the 31st of July, but don’t wait until the deadline because if you start today, you could already have this life-changing ritual firmly locked in place by then: