Dr Jason Fung, one of the world’s leading experts on intermittent fasting was doing a talk explaining the multitude of benefits of following the prophetic practice of regular short-term fasting. At the end of the talk, during the Q & A, someone asked an excellent question:   

“Have there been any studies on levels of diabetes and obesity in cultures that have been fasting for centuries for religious purposes?”   

Dr Jason Fung replied: Yes, most of the studies were conducted around Ramadan.   

And in that moment, myself, and pretty much any Muslim watching automatically knew where the talk would go next…   

…The doctor explained that unfortunately, during Ramadan, Muslims gorge themselves on the fattiest, most calorically dense foods they can find in the morning, then drink gallons of Coca Cola in the evenings… so it’s had no positive affect on diabetes or obesity.   

And that made me think of our beloved Prophet, peace & blessings upon him.   

When he fasted, it was with minimal amounts of food. Some will argue that was due to the lack of abundance of food he had access to, but the truth is, if he had wanted to, he could have feasted.   

Instead he opted for a date and a bit of barley.   

The truth is, the vast majority of Muslims want to do the ‘bare minimum’ requirements that are ‘obligatory’ (fard) instead of fully following the ‘recommended’ Prophet’s example ( sunnah). In fact, we often hear Muslims say, “I won’t do that – it’s only Sunnah”.  

Only Sunnah?!   

That’s a bit like saying, “Oh no, I won’t do that – it’s only the optimal possible way for a human being to live their life, recommended to us by the wisest person who ever lived. Nooo… that’s definitely not for me….” 

Lately I’ve been experimenting with eating a bit more like the Prophet, peace & blessings upon him, by fasting a couple of days a week and then opening the fast with minimal calories – in my case, a bit of lean protein or beans and a lot of green vegetables, making up about 400-500 calories.   

The result?   

From January 1st to 31st 2021, I went from 72kg and a 35″ waist, to 67kg and a 32″ waist.   

That’s 5kg of mostly fat loss, and 3 inches off the waist.   

The majority of the weight loss appears to have been fat, evidenced by the waist decrease and muscle has maintained (maybe even increased), evidenced by improved weight lifting and no change in arm size.   

It’s crazy to think that if the Muslim population followed the actual prophetic method of fasting during Ramadan and, if needed, on Mondays & Thursdays, then levels of Type 2 diabetes and obesity would drop drastically across the entire global Muslim population… and we would be setting an example for the world to follow. 

Now, you might not be able to change the whole world… but you can change your whole world, starting with your body, just by following the simple eating, fasting and training protocol I outline in “Finally Built Forever”, which is available now as part of The Ocean:  


And if you’re concerned that you might ‘psych yourself out’ of following a sensible eating & training plan, rest assured, The Psychological Switch program which I’ll be teaching next month for Ocean Members only, holds the keys to the kingdom when it comes to upgrading your mindset.  

Sign up using the link up above if you want to emerge from lockdown as a new, improved, spiritually uplifted, mentally strong, physically lean version of yourself.